Unlimited Money
这是凯伊的游戏! 这是一个民族复兴的史诗! 这是一个真正的英雄故事! 您准备好通过战斗、骑马、射箭、剑盾防御、地图测向、游泳、快速奔跑、滚动、攀爬训练和特殊射击技巧来感受血腥战斗的快感了吗! 这是一个团队游戏!确定你的战略,占领阿尔卑斯山,向目标前进,带领你的军队,打败敌人! 成为卡伊博宇领袖埃尔图格鲁尔加兹的冒险伙伴,踏上建立奥斯曼帝国的征程! 以逼真的控制台品质 3D 图形、专业音乐、高分辨率视觉效果、详细场景、多人真实角色、讲述历史的对话和团队指导加入冒险。随时随地感受中世纪惊险血战的快感! 完成分配给您的所有任务! 用正义战胜暴政,用自由战胜奴隶,用剑、盾和手腕的力量战胜敌人! 在不同的地图上带领光荣的卡伊博宇。保护你的父亲和公国! 注意你的敌人在这片充满血与泪的土地上像天上的十月一样被砍倒! 选择你的朋友,组建联盟! 与十字军和蒙古士兵战斗!用您直观的控制、新月和图兰战术、卓越的枪法能力、专业的弓箭手英雄小队和狼来伏击狙击手,以胜利结束战斗! 驾驭你的骏马穿越七天七地,高山,不敢入的险林,浩瀚的大海,坚不可摧的城墙,体验刺激的生存体验! 给无辜儿童和农妇的无声呐喊带来希望! 控制你的宠物,训练你的狼和鹰,扩大你的农场! 在茂密的树木茂密的绿色土地上寻找鹿,准备好你的箭并捕捉你的猎物! 72 起来反抗破坏国家的腐败秩序,用你的防御术保护你的人民! 伸张正义,扬名天下! 扩大你的军队及其边界。统治整个世界! 从一个拥有 400 顶帐篷的帐篷开始,引领奥斯曼帝国的传奇,以国家的爱而建立! 见证一个国家的复兴和一个统治了几个世纪的文明的建立! 立即下载,与全球数百万玩家一样,您将打开历史之门,与 Bamsi Bey、Turgut Alp、Hasan Alp、Saltuk Alp、Samsa Cavus、Abdurrahman Gazi 一起参与同一张地图! 感受军队及其士兵的力量并参与其中!通过购买黄金来享受财富并为您的力量增添力量,并用您购买的每一块黄金投资于下一章和新游戏! 见证土耳其历史上发生的伟大战役! 提高你的格斗、骑马、射箭、游泳、攀登和剑术技能! 拥有弓、斧、盔甲、宠物狼、鹰和神话元素! 征服和管理领土! 不要忘记关注我们以了解最新的剧集和更新!
MENU MOD 1.Unlock Skins 2.Unlock Emotes 3.Unlock Variants 4.Unlock Animations 5.Unlock Footsteps 6.Level 7.Camera 8.No ADS NOTE:Some functions may not work
Unlimited Money(Increase when you spent)
Note: The function of all gifts has been added, you need to uninstall and reinstall the game to experience this function. Mod menu 1. The game is three times faster than before 2. Including all maps (including rooms and furniture) 3. Include all roles 4. All gifts are available (you can slide to the far right in the post office, there is a window on the far right, and you can use the control button of the window to view gifts from previous years.) Tips: When your installation fails, please refer to the following solutions Please try to download and install another version of the game Please check whether the same game already exists on the phone; if so, please uninstall it first; when uninstalling, the local archive will be cleared; after uninstalling, try to install again Please check whether the phone memory is sufficient, if not, please clear the phone memory first, and try to install again
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Added the most complete achievement unlock walkthrough, click on the playmods floating window-achievements to view The latest version has a built-in classic melon man mod, which is located under the heart icon on the leftmost side of the various module interfaces in the upper left corner of the main interface. Click + under USER MODS to add it. Melon Playground : Mods inside 1. No Ads, comes with hundreds of mods for you to play, click on the playmods floating window to download and experience it. 2.Store Mod Free Download Kind tips: 1.After downloading the mod, please load the mod once in the game and then enter the map to use the mod. If it does not take effect, please restart the game. 2.After downloading different modules, each module may be placed in different categories in the menu bar on the left side of the map, please pay attention to find it. 3.Due to the problem of the game itself, using too many mods to load may cause black screen and freeze problems, which can be solved by clearing the mod function and restarting the game.
Modify a large number of currency.< br/>